Canning and Lovin' It

As little Domino pointed out, "the cucumbers are tooo big for pickles Gampa!"
It's official!
cucumber pickling season is over 
and it's on to the rest of the Veggies....
Fall is coming and there is a lot of canning to do.

Now I know you can go to the grocery store and buy canned corn on special and save some money.
But for the price of some freezer bags and some elbow grease,
we like our own freezer corn best!!

Boil it and blanch it and cut it off the cob...
mix it all together with a dab of salt and a dab of sugar...
and you get the taste of fresh sweet corn in the middle of Winter!!

And it's a lot more fun when you have some help!!!

Next is...."Sallsa"....
the tomatoes are coming on like crazy!!

Ohhh, and then we'll be making "Hung Hot" Relish with our hungarian hot wax peppers

Home-canning is a great way to preserve fresh food....

Sall Farm loves making great products out of great veggies!!

Don't ya just love this time of year!!???!!!!!


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