Winter Woes

WARNING: This post may contain material not appropriate
for those who enjoy winter.  Some ranting may be offensive to "winterlovers"
who love freezing temperatures, piles of snow, lack of sunshine and being cooped up.

Winters in South Dakota have
(thinking how to describe)

just ugly!

the sky is gray every day,

our road is drifted shut,

(which forced us to relocate to a rental in town)

the streets in town are solid ice,

Do you know how hard it is to pack for 3 months
and haul it all 21 miles with a 0 degree windchill
chasing you all way?

Computer equipment, bedding, dogs, cats,
I even brought a sewing machine in case
I got bored enough to learn how to use it ...

oh yes it's quite a chore.

It takes a week to set up a temporary home
that we can all feel comfortable in.

But that's hard to do when you're
living amongst someone else's things.

It's kind of like visiting your great-grandmother, when all
you want to do is hang out in your own room and listen to rock music.

Well, right now all I would love to be doing
is making a pie in my own kitchen.

Of course it would be an experimental pie,
because I've never made a pie in my life.  Ha. Ha.

My mother made the best pies...
all I had to do is put in a request and a couple hours later
there would be a pie at my doorstep.
(there's a comforting thought)

Oh how these winters make me cranky!  And all the hauling and lifting
bit my sciatic nerve.  I went to the doctor for pain meds,
 they give me
a stomach ache....
 Can I complain about anything else??

Yep, there's not one comfortable seat in the temporary house!!
I'm not trying to be Goldy Locks here,
I'm serious, the couch is old and cushions worn thin,
the leather recliner tilts forward and is hard as a rock!!

So I took a trip to the local consignment shop hoping
to find a nice used rocking chair or something.
But all they had were well used, over-priced electric lift recliners. Yuck,
just what I need is some old persons discarded lift chair for 50 bucks!!

Oh hell, this will all be over in a few weeks months,
I should just suck it up and pretend I'm on a vacation.
Except there's no fancy restaurants or ski lodge to go hang out at.

"This Sucks!"

The dogs won't stay in the tiny backyard, there's a female
down the street that our male is intent on meeting.
I stepped out the door to shake out a rug and could 
hear someone laughing hysterically
 (how creepy for someone
that's used to her country peace and quiet!)

I'd invite my sister over for a
sewing bee, except she abandoned me
for the great state of Texas!
(yep, that makes her the older AND wiser one)

So hear I sit with my computer, my restless dogs,
a cat on my lap and a sewing machine staring at me
and no table space to set it up.

This country girl can't wait to return to her comforts of HOME.

"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"

Dreaming of my comfy home
 and green grass 
and flowers blooming on my front porch...

Trying to keep my sanity,

Thanks for being a good listener,
a gal needs to vent once in awhile.
Especially in the winter in South Dakota!!

I feel better now...


Michelle saidā€¦
I feel for you. I wouldn't want to live in a rental in town during the winter. I would be beyond cranky.
Tanya Breese saidā€¦
Oh my goodness what an ordeal! Do you have to do this every winter? That would be so hard....I hope you are able to get back home soon!
barb saidā€¦
Funny...that's what I've been saying. "There's no place like home."
Verizon is so lousy here I can't even call ya to commiserate or is it communicate? Hang in there.. spring is here but you will get it there in three months.
Bonnie K saidā€¦
Hang tough. I can't believe how much snow your area has. It almost puts the hills to shame. Until it snowed tonight.
Nancy saidā€¦
Wow... That is tough. We haven't received much in the way of snow this winter so no complaints. Hope you have an early spring! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Thistle Cove Farm saidā€¦
OHMYGOSH! You're bearing up better than I (I think). I'm visiting from Nancy and we've had NO snow, hardly freezing temps but rain, rain and more rain. As Andy G. once said, "It was a real frog strangler!" I'm sick of rain but at least it's not freezing temps, just cold temps.
My 2 dogs are snoring away as is the beagle from a mile down the road; Daisy's human is a nasty piece. He doesn't take care of anything so she comes here for food, shelter, treats and a place to sleep inside.
I'm in southside VA, hoping for a spring that's not to distant so you're able to go home.
Grace and plenty
Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm
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