School of Hard Knocks

Unfortunately, for me...
There was a lot of football and baseball going on this weekend, so I decided to further my education at the good old School of Hard Knocks.  This blogging is not easy, especially for us non-techies! I've been learning this as I go and I must say, it's been an education.  I've found plenty of books and forums on the internet and today I found the ultimate course on blogging ("EVERYTHING you need to know to be a successful blogger!") - only $499.00 "get out your credit card".  "No thanks", I'll learn it the hard way, thank you!


 I managed to add (on my sidebar) the widget for Networked Blogs. I'm hoping this will encourage my Facebook friends to follow our blog and make it a little easier. Many of our friends have never heard of blogs, and think I'm coughing something up when I talk about it. You don't need a Google account or anything, just hit follow and it will be added to your profile page, to look at when you want to. Of course, you don't get the full effect with the music and everything unless you click on the title, then you will be taken directly to the site page. How cool is that??

Last but not least, 

If you haven't noticed, I have a new badge on the left-hand side of the blog labeled Outdoor Blogger Network. This is a great directory of blogs that have to do with anything "outdoors" (from nature lovers, like ourselves to garden and landscapers to hunting and fishing) all categorized in one directory.  I wandered over to this site (via Fungal Threads) If you get a chance, please visit and check out some great blogs under the Outdoor Blog Directory tab. 

Finally, (I know,enough already)

 If you have some time, please leave us bloggers a comment. Even to say hi.  It makes my day to see somebody visited my blog and appreciated it (or not). 

 Pleasant dreams....


Verde Farm said…
Oh Lisa, I can totally relate to your struggles with all this. I too am just learning too and I bump into difficulties all the time. One thing I found out--it's not as easy as hitting the "follow" on networked blogs to become a follower via facebook. They hit follow and then go to another page where they have to hit follow again and then it kicks in. I had so many people tell me, "I did follow you" but it didn't work as they didn't do the 2nd step. Hang in there...we will continue to learn together :) You're doing great!
Amy, Thanks for your encouragement...your's is one of the blogs I look to for ideas and inspiration! So much to learn, can be very intimidating and daunting, but I will carry on and persevere, cause that's how I am. Thanks again, dear!
spotted face said…
Hi Lisa! Thank you for the link back to my blog, that is really appreciated amongst us blogger-types. Love your new font.

Also, I'm thinking about doing a "shout out!" to your blog from mine, featuring those golden retrievers!! Thought I would ask first seeing how I get traffic that is mostly the huntin'/fishin' types.

Take care -

Hey Casey,
You're welcome, and I think it would be wonderful to get a shout out from you! We are planning another pheasant hunt this weekend so expect more pics from the field. If Sall would get out and shoot a duck, I'd blog about it, but no luck yet this year. (I think he's gotten some, but nothing worthy of a blog post yet).Meanwhile, I just write about it as it happens out here on the prairie.
Take care,

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