Remford Slough

Hope your week is moving along
carelessly with no major jams!


TexWisGirl said…
Love that line of trees! They've seen some tough days...
caite said…
stark and beautiful.
PippaD said…
It's such a simple shot, but composed beautifully.
Sharon said…
Good picture, are those trees alive or ?. They actually look sad, must be because they up to their knees in water. Or are they something else?
gtyyup said…
Love the depth of all the colors...beautiful~
Michaele said…
There really is beauty in everything.
Stratoz said…
no ice jams in my life at this point in time. great photo
Rose said…
This is just the type of place we like to visit and explore the area around.
LindyLouMac said…
I just popped back to thankyou for becoming a follower and to welcome you. I really hope you will enjoy sharing our little piece of Italy. I love to get to know my readers so following you as well. This week has just flown by. Great photo.

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