Earth Day Greetings

Happy Earth Day!

Are you as concerned as I am about our planet?

How about our grand-children's planet?

What is something you are doing to help save our planet?
Any small part makes a huge difference!

Let's do something!
I hate to see a good thing go to waste....

Have you hugged a tree lately?


TexWisGirl said…
those are some beautiful shots (except for the land fill, of course).
Nancy said…
You are right. We should all do something. I took a walk in my neighborhood and picked up trash. Also joined a group cleaning up a public space - a garden on a bridge. I detest litter!
Michelle said…
Great words to remind us of our planet...that is so important!
Karen said…
Hi Lisa, great reminders about what we can do to reduce, reuse and recycle. We're going to plant some more trees for a windbreak this summer (as soon as the snow melts!) Have a great weekend.
barb said…
Saw a great oprah show last week. Hope i can catch the documentary this guy made called "I Am." All the junk in our lives is definitely smothering us. I could certainly do some simplifying at our house.
Tara said…
There are such easy ways to help the future: plant a tree, if not in your yard, in someone elses! Contact your local Soil Conservation District for too cheap to pass up trees!!! Recycle all that you can. Share your garden with others, rather than let it go to waste. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Great post Aunt L.!
Lisa Gordon said…
What beautiful images of Earth Day!
Laura Locke said…
Every day is Earth Day and even the littlest things can make a big difference. Thanks for sharing.

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