Around the Midwest In 3 Days

Grandma's got a new outlet for her Etsy stuff!

Grandpa's got a new duck plucker!

And Grand-daughter #1 finally got her birthday present...

The last 4 days have been
a whirlwind of activity...

If anybody's wondering why
my Etsy shop is empty,
it's because I packed it all up 
and hauled it to Kansas City!
We are trying out a new market...
and I'll be sharing it 
on the blog in another post.

While I was in Kansas City,
Sall stayed home for the opening
weekend of duck hunting.
He and his buddies had a good weekend,
as there are plenty of ducks to shoot at!
They managed to have a duck dinner one night,
so I'm still waiting to hear all about that
and hopefully he got some pictures!!!
The new duck plucker machine 
is what I'm really anxious to see...
that will be another post to share!

As you can tell, I have a lot 
of catching up to do around here...

Hope your day is real winner!


Country Gal said…
A busy bee you have been ! Love the photo looks like a happy little girl with her new bike. Have a wonderful day !
TexWisGirl said…
duck plucker - now that i hope to see! :)

good luck with the K.C. outlet!!!
Sharon said…
Duck Plucker? o...k...a...y
Wondering why guys would need that gadget, oh, I know! They like gadgets!

Aah, your GD has a sweet ride! Cute!
Debbie said…
cute as a button on that little purple bike!!

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