Life's Little Surprises
Sall's latest job has been at
an old country church...
Saint Placidus Catholic Church
is a lonely little church on a lonely little road...
Members have been coming to this church
for a century.
Today it has around 30
members in the congregation
and they have voted
to invest in a bathroom!
No longer will they have to rely
on the old outhouse when they come to worship!
Oh yes, it's been the talk of the county...
a monumental occasion in it's own right.
it's been a fun project to be a part of
Sall has enjoyed meeting
some of the church committee members
30 years of building and this is his
first church bathroom installation!
You just never know what's coming
next out here on the prairie!
Tuesday the walls were finished and ready to be painted,
I headed over there with my paint gear and drove up
to the front doors to unload...
I stepped out of my van and just at my feet was a message...
literally a MESSAGE!
There in the grass lay a fortune cookie message...
If it dropped out of someone else's pocket,
or if the wind brought it to this spot...
I will never know
I do know
everything has a reason
and I needed these words
on a morning that I was feeling
dull and weak...
someone was watching over me,
and wanted to give me a message...
I got it
and for this I am thankful!
and i can only imagine the parishioners and their glee for getting an indoor rest room! :)
Really cool that the church will finally have a bathroom!
And how neat the congregation will have a bathroom, so many small churches around here are abandoned, it's sad.