My First Give-away!
Sall's Country Life
will celebrate two years on Blogger
this March!
Not a huge accomplishment to some,
but a small milestone to me!
I've enjoyed this blog so much...
it has put me in touch with so many wonderful folks.
The love and support we receive
comes in different ways:
from the comment box and the Facebook forum,
to the holler from across main street
saying, "I love your blog!"
I am overwhelmed by the number
of visits to this lowly little blog
(one of a million blogs out there)
Your visits and your comments mean the world to us!
(Although, I do all the posts, I think
that Sall enjoys reading the feedback more than I do!)
So, Thank You!
Friend, Follower, Commenter,
Anonymous Peeker,
Prairie Companion, Country Seeker,
Farmer, Townie,
Camera Keeper...
make the journey worth it
and we will continue blogging about
our wonderful Country Life!
With that said...
Let's get on with the
Remember the cute chicken purse
my sister made?
(I first mentioned it here)
My creative mother has donated
a piece of her handiwork....
(aren't Mom's great?)
A tea towel with bird and birdhouse
perfectly hand stitched!
(we love our birds)
If that's not enough cuteness,
I'm adding...
a ceramic pheasant coffee mug
(just a little souvenir from South Dakota)
a bar of very special homemade soap
(my friend Jeanie makes it!)

But, Wait!
There's MORE!
When I was in the Black Hills,
I found these beautiful note-cards by a South Dakota Artist....
I immediately embraced the woman in the picture as myself
picking flowers on the prairie!
I got home and looked up the artist's website
and fell in love with her
and her paintings!
Her story makes me proud to be a fellow Dakotan.
I hope you will visit her website too!
This is what she says about the painting above:
Capturing the season on the prairie between summer and autumn
where the air is warm with cool undertones
and the shadows are long.
Take in the calming breeze, the earthy grasses,
and feel the sun on your face and arms.
Exactly what I love
about living in the country
in the middle of nowhere
on the prairie of South Dakota!
So, there it is... the whole package...
a "thank you" GIFT
from Sall's Country Life:
Here is what you need to do
if you would like a chance to win our give-a-way...
- Be a follower of this blog. (Use the Google Friend Connect button to sign up on the sidebar, if you haven't already done so.)
- Leave a comment on this post saying you'd like to be entered.
for extra credit...
If you grab our button and add it to your blog,
we'll give you an extra entry! Just leave another comment here saying you did that please!
Good Luck!
We'll pick a winner on March 17th
on St. Patrick's Day!
(may the luck of the Irish be with you that day!)
I adore the note cards :)
Your Mom's tea towel is gorgeous and I love the notecards. Please include me in your drawing. Thank you.
Enjoy your weekend!!!
nice.Love the cards!!
Very nice and generous giveaway. Love those cards.
xo bj
bloggiversary, here's hoping there will be many more in the years to come!
Thanks for answering my question about the texture you used on the barn and for following me.