Cough, Cough, Sniffle, Sniffle

Have you gotten it yet?

Any symptoms???



the over-whelming
urge to burn all of your sweaters,
wool socks,
and long johns....


you're totally obsessed with 
thoughts of sweet green grass....


Why can't anyone come up 
with a vaccine
Cabin Fever???


I hope you are
staying warm...

More cold temps are coming,
guess I'll keep my 
long johns for a few more weeks!




TexWisGirl said…
i like your header - lots of color there to ward off winter blues. :)

(i won't say i was just out on the deck w/ a glass of wine and 60 degrees...)
Country Gal said…
Love your new header ! It does get to one after a while . Stay cozy do cozy things and embrace the sun that we do get and look at a lot of things to do with spring lol that's how I get through it ! Have a good day !
barb said…
Nice new look. You need a winter attitude adjustment. I love winter...a great excuse to do nothing. Come over and get a crochet refresher course.
You made me laugh thanks. I like winter but I wish we had more snow and less work to enjoy it. B
Tara said…
Im with mom (barb) in that I too am looking forward to the great winter blues to keep me home, inside my warm home doing whatever I want, which of course is sewing and watching football. :) Happy Weekend!!
MarmePurl said…
I usually don't catch a case of CF until March. Plenty of projects to do until then.
Stay Warm Lisa!
I'm suffering from "cabin fever" too! Love the photo of the man in the long johns!
I haven't gotten cabin fever yet. It usually comes med February or March.
I like the colorful header.
Lynne said…
So far the cabin fever has been kept at bay for me . . . in fact I am hoping for some quiet "in the cabin kind of days" so I can get to reading the three books that are waiting for me.
Love your creative, colorful header . . . very nice!
New header is wonderful. I remember cabin fever and I don't miss it at all. I don't mind a day where it is gray and we stay inside and occasionally we get one. Just remember - this too shall pass. Hang in there.

Nancy said…
Love your new blog format -- very different than your other one. Great!

I'm so busy with stuff around here, I rarely know what day it is. Spring will be here soon. Hang in there Lisa.
I've had cabin fever a lot in the past, but not so much this year. I need a lot of snow and cold first--It's like spring here today!

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