
Spring weather 
has arrived

Just in time 
for Easter Weekend...

ready for a 

Sall and the cats 
have been giving me
a minute by minute
snow melt report
from the front porch....

I guess it's been 
melting so fast you can 
see it disappear
(so they say)

I've been busy
with a new project
(stay tuned for that)...

but, we 
did manage to pull
ourselves away 
from the excitement at home
to watch the 
Annual Gann Valley 
Easter Egg Hunt

population:  14 

I think their Annual Easter Egg Hunt
is just as popular as Pheasant Hunting
is in South Dakota...

kids came out in DROVES!!!

Kids of all ages...

all geared with running shoes,
and a bucket, basket
or a bag!!

I had forgotten 
how serious it was 
to hunt eggs...

of course, around here, 
we start honing our
hunting skills very early!!

I think the town
must have hid 50 or 60 plastic
candy filled eggs
for every resident
in town!


Every kid came back with
handfuls of candy
and a big grin!

 What a fun day for the kids
(and me too!)

The next time you're
in Gann Valley stop in for a soda
and leave'em a little egg money:)

Happy Easter!!


Lynne saidā€¦
What fun . . . My children remember an Easter Egg hunt on the town hill when they were younger . . .
Happy Easter to you and your family . . .
Country Gal saidā€¦
Fantastic photos ! I remember when our boys were little we would do an Easter egg hunt it was so fun and wonderful to watch the kids as it was here in you lovely post ! Thanks for sharing these special moments with us . Have a Happy Easter !
TexWisGirl saidā€¦
really cute bunch of kids, er, hunters! :) love your kitties, too.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Population 14?? Really?? How fun!

Happy Easter!
Bonnie K saidā€¦
It looks like a great time was had by all. My Grandmother either went to school or taught at Gann Valley. I can't remember which. It was nice to see some photos since I've never been there.
Melinda saidā€¦
Gotta love a good egg hunt!

We had a beautiful weather

M :)

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