Wagon Train Meets Destination
A break from the tomato canning
allows me to post more pictures from my
last adventure to our State Capital....
It was the final destination of the
125th Anniversary Statehood Celebration
Wagon Train.
Wagon Master Gerald Kessler lead the way.
With more than 200 participants, the 17 day journey
was quite the event.
Read more about it here in the Capital Journal.
As they all waited for the ceremony to start,
you could walk around and visit with participants.
Some rode the full journey, others joined for
a few hours or a few days.
Involvement aside, all agreed the
wagon train was a huge success,
considering it's homage to our States' birthday
and the many friendships and bonds formed
along the way...
South Dakota Governor Daugaard called the journey an
unbridled success and offered his praise
to all who took part....
North Dakota Governor Dalrymple said the perseverance
displayed by the riders helped remind people
of the journey many took 125 years ago.
"We honor them" he said "The footprints
of all the pioneers are with us today."
that didn't have chills watching the many
(more than 100) riders and wagon teams
proudly pass by the Capital building and dignitaries...
take a look for yourself...
enjoy a parade of Dakota Pride
and salute if you agree...
Usually for me it takes a
good marching band to make a
good parade...
today the clip-clop of the
horses hooves is all it took
to make this parade
a GREAT one!
Happy Trails!
Read more about it here.