Great Gobs of Garlic

Last week we had some 
warm-sunny-I feel like gardening
kind of weather....

Mr. Sall was a busy guy cleaning and tilling...

Our lilacs need to stay in hibernation!

it's still early,
we could easily get
freezing temperatures
or all of the above...

garlic is the one crop
that is hardy enough to plant now...

Mr. Ambitious planted 
his garlic crop
450 plus!!

It takes a lot of GARLIC
to make great pickles!!

This week has been colder and wet!
(thank goodness for small favors)
the garlic got water
so did the lawn...

I need to finish up a ton
of indoor projects before it's time 
to be on mowing duty!!

Happy Wednesday Thursday!
(just lost another day,yikes)


barb saidā€¦
Your Mr. Green Jeans is ambitious.
He will need to do a rain dance, but be careful it could turn into a snow dance yet.
CountryMum saidā€¦
That is a lot of garlic to plant. Love all your photos.
Bonnie K saidā€¦
It has been super hard not to go out and plant the outdoor beds. I did plant the greenhouse. You reminded me I have some garlic that I could put in the ground. Your garden is beautiful.
Sarah Shoesmith saidā€¦
With all that garlic, you must never catch a cold! Here's hoping the frosts stay away, especially if the Lilac doesn't heed your advice. I enjoyed this post! Thanks!
Sarah Shoesmith saidā€¦
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