Take A Leap

Our Temperature took a leap
this February 29th...

Saturday it was a gorgeous 65 Degrees
the geese were flying
the ducks were landing...

the only snow left was the remnants of the deep drifts
shaded from the sun...

Today we took cover inside,
(Hubby in his studio - me in my office)
while it snowed all day
sometimes total white-out conditions!

 I've been wanting a new top
on this old piano bench...

I wasn't wishing for a blizzard
to get it done, however!

But I do love it when he
can stay busy in the studio.
My builder
can be pretty creative
when he wants to be...
(the bench and rustic tool tote will
be up for sale in our new store!)
check it out here:
by the way the temp is 15 degrees F tonight!

Bring on March!


barb said…
Those are some great pieces.
Country Gal said…
Lovely photos ! I love seeing and hearing Papa here busy in his wood shop with projects to . Thanks for sharing , Spring will be here soon Happy March !

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