Happy Trails
I followed the trail riders once again...
The Kyle Evans Memorial Trail Ride
started in my home town,
Wessington Springs, SD
and ended 25 miles west
in Gann Valley, South Dakota
(of course they traveled a lot further
through pastures...
over hills, down cow paths,
and crossing creek beds...)
and I would catch up to them
on some road going no where
to catch a glimpse of a real
wagon train crossing the prairie...
I wished I could wave my magic wand
and turn my trailblazer into
a Palomino!
Crossing the prairie on the back of a horse
is definitely on my bucket list.
but, for now I will be satisfied
to stalk the real cowboys and girls
with my camera and try to put
together a trailride photo book.
Some memories just need to be saved on paper,
not only for the riders,
but especially for the want-to-be's (like me)
and to challenge the future generations
to keep such a valuable tradition alive!
After a three day trail ride,
the final destination was the
130th Anniversary Celebration
Gann Valley South Dakota....
It was a beautiful fun-filled
day for the town,
people came from
miles around to enjoy
food and games and demonstrations
and finally the big dance
at the firehall!
As for me,
I will be going through around 3,000 photos
to put together a DVD movie and a photo book
covering the the 2 events.
in the mean time,
check out my Flickr site
to see more photos from Gann Valley
and the Kyle Evans Memorial Trail Ride
Happy Trails!